Sunday, January 15, 2012

He Put A Ring On It

Wow! It is hard to believe that it was a week ago that Wil and I got married. In some ways it seems much longer than that and in other ways it seems much shorter. As the bride, I had a wedding day far better than I could have ever dreamed or imagined. So many people contributed so much to the "getting ready" process and the wedding itself. As I watched it all come together I kept thinking, "Is this all really for me?" We had beautiful weather, the decorations and atmosphere were beyond what I ever dreamed, friends and family from all over came to help us celebrate, and I married the man I love with all my heart. What could have been better?

The days before the wedding were crazy. I still don't know how everything got done. Along with wedidng preparations we had the blessing of being able to spend some time with friends and family who had traveled in early for the wedding. Thursday night I was able to spend time with several friends who were also MKs (misisonary kids) as well as college friends who had flown in. This was really special as I had not seen many of them in years. Friday was simply amazing. Friends, family, bridal party members and people I did not even personally know that well came and worked together to decorate and set up for our wedding.

I loved my wedding day. So many people made it such a beautiful and special day. It would take a book to describe every special moment and every single person who blessed me on that day.

I could have never imagine what it would be like to walk up the aisle to my groom. As I walked. I kept seeing faces of people who I hadn't seen in years or who had traveled long distances to join us. I felt so loved and special as I walked  to join my groom. Thankfully I was able to maintain my composure long enough to say my vows. When we lit the unity candle I finally just cried. I was so overcome with how much I was loved and how special the day was. Wil being the sweetheart and wise man that he is had a tissue on hand and wiped away my tears. I knew I had married a keeper. :)

I am sitting here trying to describe the reception in my head and it isn't working well. It was hosted in a school gym. While everything was in good condition, it was very obvious before it was decorated that it was a red and cream school gym. With hours of hard work and creaitivity, my family and friends transformed it into a beautiful, soft, glowing, romantic room. WOW is the only word that starts to come close.

I want to say thank you to everyone who made the day special. Some of you helped make it special by writing a note or sending a card saying you were thinking and praying for us even if you couldn't physically make it. Others made it special through their long hours of work and service as we prepared. Others came and celebrated our day with us. I am so very, very blessed and I am so thankfulf or the people God has brought into my life.

I am going to sign off for now. I will post about our honeymoon adventures soon.

~Mrs. White

P.S. To all those young ladies who may be getting married soon, I have a word of advice regarding wedding candles. Do be careful to not spill hot wax on youself as you go to light the unity candle. Trust me, I did it and it didn't feel very good. :)