Thursday, March 22, 2012

God Gave Me You for the Ups and Downs

Up....and down.......and up......and down......and up (come on little car, you can make it!).......and down.......

After several hours in a car closely following my husband all the way from West Virginia to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri I knew that this had to be the title for our new blog post. I have been in several states and even a few countries but never before have I seen hills quite like those produced by the Ozarks. You quite literally go up just to go down and then up again and back down (repeat for a few hours).

We are in week 6 (out of 18) of Wil's MP BOLC classes at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. To put it as simply as possible, these 18 weeks are teaching him how to be a Military Police Officer (and at times making him wonder if he really wants to do this for forever). Often this means long days in the classroom but it also has practical field training as well. As it turns out, field training means even later days. Everyone has ideas as to what makes a really good day, right? One of mine has become my husband getting home before 1900 (7 pm).

Of all the groups Wil could have been placed in, it seems as though he may have gotten the best. His class works together as a team and is led by individuals with high expectations but a desire to empower their students to succeed.

Morelli Heights, a long term stay hotel, is our current home. It is a cross between a hotel room and an efficiency apartment. We have a tiny kitchen (2 stove top burners and a microwave but no oven); one main room that hosts the bed, desk, table and chair, and a small bathroom. We are in a really nice location - the MP school and library are across the street, the commissary (grocery store) is just down the road and we are just over and down from the hospital yet we still manage to live on a relatively quiet part of post.

But as we all know, anywhere Army related is the perfect place to see Murphy's Law in full swing. Today is no except. See, we have this sign in the grass below our window. I should say we DID have a sign. They decided to demolish it....with heavy machinery.....did I mention it is right outside our window? Yeah, forget "relatively quiet" for today.

As many of you might know, my family lived in MO while I was in the 6th grade (mission training). Wil and I have been blessed to be able to reconnect with the church that my family used to attend while living in the area. I haven't run into anyone I know just yet but it was nice to be able to not have to "church hunt." The pastor has been such a blessing. He is passionate without going to "hellfire and brimstone" lengths, he is challenging while still caring for his congregation and while each week is not a "salvation message" I don't think he has ever failed to gracefully and naturally present the Gospel each Sunday. God has definitely provided just the church we need at this time.

That is a basic snapshot of our life right now. I am sure we will be posting about more adventures soon!

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